
Friday, August 9, 2019

A Comparative Study on the Modes of Dissemination of the Dhamma used in the Past and Present

A Comparative Study on the Modes of Dissemination of the Dhamma used in the Past and Present

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Thalangalle Pesala thero
                                                                                    Second Year
                                                                                    Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka
Various methods have been used in the past as well as in present for the dissemination of Buddhism. With the use of such diverse methods, it was expected to introduce Buddhism to the people quickly. This research aims at comparative study on the strategies that have been used in the past and present for the dissemination of Dhamma. According to the historical records,   dissemination of the Dhamma started during the Buddha’s lifetime. The Buddha advised the first sixteen Arahants to wander alone for the welfare of others and to spread the Dhamma. They completed the task undergoing many hardships. After the third Buddhist Council, Moggaliputtatissa thero advised king Dharmashoka to start the dissemination of the Dhamma. Accordingly, missionaries were sent to nine countries. Those missionaries used many methods to disseminate the Dhamma to the respective countries.  Moreover, the history illustrates that various methods such as the establishment of inscriptions, stupa and temples, preaching the most attractive doctrines of Buddhism at first were used by these Arahants to popularize the Dhamma. With the development of the modern technology such as television, social media, websites, apps, etc., the Dhamma communication could be easily transformed to any corner of the world. The present paper thus analyses the various communication modes that have been in use in spreading Buddhism illustrating their effectiveness. Books, journals and web articles were used to gather the referent  data for the study and data was analysed through comparative methodology on the diverse modes of communication in disseminating the Dhamma. 
Keywords: Dhamma, Dissemination, Past, Present, Missionaries, Technology
Edict of king Ashoka